By the way, Gio, the lyrics are "every time I touch that track (not dragon) it turns into gold." Which is good because tracks are a lot easier and safer to find than dragons these days.
I'm sure we can all use a little magic on Monday............... Now go crush it!
It's been a very long time since I've written anything besides a to-do list, which I probably lost, . Unless I wrote it in Evernote, my new brain. I've been really busy the last few years, cleaning up after and feeding the roomates. Taking them to practice, games and doctors appointments. Doing their laundry.
And repeating myself, A LOT, "Please..........Clean up your mess!"
All of which, is time consuming and unrelaxing. Unfortunately, writing requires a state of relaxation or the words dam up in the mind. Words must flow like a river in order to escape the brain and come out through the hands onto The Internet.
Another reason I haven't been blogging is Instagram and Facebook make it way too easy to share articles and photos than posting on a blog. In other words, I'm lazy.
Anyways, I really loved this video and I want my kids to watch it so I'm posting it on the blog because my kids, Hubster and Mom actually did read my blog, even if no one else did. I know a few of you did. Many thanks to you.
Question related to the video (Please leave answer in the comments, Thanks!)
What advice would you give someone younger than you?
My advice would be this. Life is full of heartache, disappointments and setbacks, so make sure to have fun EVERYDAY, no matter what. Also, CLEAN UP YOUR MESS!