Every school should have a
Challenge Day, an anti-bullying program, that strives to make children feel
loved and
safe by "celebrating diversity, truth and full expression."
Challenge Day Motto:
Be the change you want to see in the world. (
Sounds good, right?
I have heard about Challenge Day for years, from Hubby who volunteers every year. I have to say I have even more respect for ALL the teachers who volunteer for this, EMOTIONAL, life changing event. And by emotional I mean crying. Lots and lots of crying. Because after all that crying, the teachers still have to lesson plan, grade papers and go to work the next day.
Thank you teachers!
Anyways, when we got the flyer asking for volunteers for challenge day, I immediately say, "I am so volunteering for this!"
"You are?" asks the Huz.
"Yeah, why do you say it like that?" I ask.
Because when you aren't sure of your answer it's always best to answer with a question for clarification purposes.
Apparently, the Huz has the same philosophy because he answers with, "Are you
SURE you want to do that?"
"Yeah, I was made for Challenge Day!" I say.
Okay.............." says infusing one word with more doubt than my friend
Thomas ever could.
And I was really good at Challenge Day, especially the crying. I'm glad I volunteered, and I'm appreciative of being able to sleep for 2 hours afterwards. Thanks Huz.