Sunday, January 30, 2011

In Loving Memory Chloe Kitty 1995-2011

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Yesterday, Chloe showed me a picture of her Hubby, Shadow Cat, who passed seven years ago. I knew, then, she was ready to go to, whatever resides beyond our world.

She was the best kitty ever. Loving. Smart. Fun. Patient.

I miss her so much. She was my kitty soul mate. Now she is my kitty angel.

When I close my eyes, I see Chloe and Shadow, running through a field, chasing butterflies.


Anonymous said...

I'm crying. Love & Support from me to you.

Christine said...

*sigh* I'm so sorry. I'm assuming you had to euthanize her...It's such a hard decision to make,you don't want to do it too soon, and you don't want it to be too late.

I always tell people the same thing when they loose someone they love; I hope that you find peace with her passing sooner rather than later.

What a sweet reunion it will be someday, right?

I got some furry kids of my own over there, hopefully welcoming her with loads of catnip and showing her the best sunny spots to sleep in :)

Wendall said...

RIP sweet kitty.
I love the pic of her reading.
So sorry for the loss of your furry friend. said...

Thanks. One of her nicknames is the Librarian. For years she would take the books out of our bookcase.

Anonymous said...

I'm SO SO SO Sorry about your cat.
I havent checked the blog in a while..
im sad i wasn't there for you through that..

but i know Chloe is frolicking through the fields and eating the best food and playing and her soul lives on!


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