Friday, October 29, 2010

Happy Birthday Mom!

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I have an awesome Mom, and if you're lucky enough to know her, you know she's, "quite a character. " And that's putting it mildly.

She is a great Mom. She attended all of my sporting events when I was a kid. And she was a single working mother, y'all. She even came to my out of town games, when she was able to find them.

GPS would have been nice back then, huh Mom.

My Mom did a lot of great things for me growing up, but there's one thing that I will never forget, and I will be forever grateful to her.

When I was 18, after graduating from high school my Mom took me to Hawaii. Guess what I did there for the very first time? That's right! I surfed!

Think about it, what if she had never taken me to Hawaii, and I had never started surfing? I wonder what I would have done with all that free time the last 25 years?

I hope I wasn't the one who was supposed to find the cure for cancer.

I love you Mama. Happy Birthday!

1 comment:

nana/mama said...

wow!!!!!But being a diabetic and taking metformin that is now being toted as a anti & preventive for cancer. so dont worry.

Love you

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