Monday, June 25, 2012

Alarm Clock

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For the past seven days, Nadia Dog has woken me up at 5:11 a.m.

"Scratch, scratch," paws Nadia Dog on my side of the bed.

Upon hearing this sound I bolt out of bed because Nadia Dog is old and her bladder is even older.

Unfortunately, I follow Hubby's advice of, "You may as well just feed her before you let her out."

And what he means by "feed her first," is train her to wake up at 5:11 daily.  Of course, if I feed the dog, then I have to feed the cats.  I may as well make coffee too. 

By the time I feed and potty everyone it's 5:30 a.m. and they're all back in bed, fast asleep, and I'm wide awake.


Getting up at 5:11 a.m. would be fine if I went to bed at 8 o'clock instead of midnight, or one or 2 a.m.

Anyways, Hubby pulled out the dog crate, and Nadia Dog is sleeping in it as I write. . Maybe she'll even sleep in til   
7 a.m. tomorrow.  Who knows?

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