Friday, September 21, 2012

Space Shuttle Endeavor

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Photo courtesy of Yoshihito Shibata Aiki Arts Thank you!

When I got to the beach today there was nowhere to park.

"It must be really good," I thought to myself.

Sadly, the surf was not good, but fortunately it was fun to paddle out and give it a try.

"Hey, I think those photographers are taking pictures of us surfing," says the BFF.

"They're probably taking pictures of birds," I say.

And I was kind of right. The photographers, one of who generously let me post his photo on the blog, were waiting for some big birds to fly by, a 747 jet with the Space Shuttle Endeavor piggybacking a ride to the California Science Center in Los Angeles.

Being in the water is always magical, but to get to view the Space Shuttle while surfing with my BFF's was awe inspiring and left me feeling elated for the rest of the day.

I was hoping the Huz and the boys got to see the spectacular sight themselves, since they weren't there to share it with me. Unfortunately, Hubby and Vinny were both "inside," when the shuttle flew past their school.

Luckily, Gio and his entire school went outside to see the shuttle sail past.

"What did you think of the space shuttle?" I ask.

"It was so close I thought it was going to land on me," says Gio.

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