Sunday, June 13, 2010

Birthday Breakfast

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My baby is 9 today! Almost as tall as me. Reads faster than I do. Super smart.  Fun to hang out with! 

Yes, parenting is by far my most perplexing, challenging  undertaking. But I wouldn't trade it for all the perfect waves in the world.

Happy Birthday Vinny cha cha cha! I love you!


EndofTired said...

Hope you all have a wonderful Vinny-day! Yay mama!

Heather said...

Happy birthday to your adorable son, and happy anniversary to you and your hubby! Hope you have a great day. :)

Love this pic of you, too!

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday Stefan Vincent.Can't wait until you spend the night here with me and nana......Love you bunches.
Auntie Lynda

Erin said...

Happy Birthday Vinny!!! I love you!


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