Thursday, February 9, 2012

The Miracle of Om-ing

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Internet, this morning I experienced the power of Om.

It all started when this crazy lady was tail gating me on a two lane congested highway. I was going the speed limit, and I couldn't go any faster because there was traffic ahead of me.

I attempted to look in my mirror to get Tami Tail Gater to, "back off!"

But Tami Tail Gater got closer. The closer she got the more upset I became. And the more upset I became the closer she got. I could feel my adrenal glands dumping adrenaline into my bloodstream.

"I can't live my life stressed because this person is in a hurry and could care less about my 'space bubble,'" I tell myself.

Then I came up with a five minute plan that would help me relax, rather than spend 5 more minutes of life cursing the driver behind me. My plan was to chant, "Om," for five minutes.

After three minutes I felt a wave of calm wash over my anxiety. My plan had worked like I hoped. But, Internet, here's the surprising part. Tami Tail Gater stopped tail gating me for the rest of the time she was behind me.

Tami Tail Gater didn't even flip me the bird when she passed me on the road, as I was making my turn off the highway.

And that Internet is the miracle of "Om-ing."

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