Friday, January 29, 2010

Someone To Watch Over Me

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Gio is a gymnast in his sleep. So when he falls asleep in our bed, I usually barricade him in with pillows, to keep him in place. Not this night, though. Nay Nay the Cat, weighed him down, and I knew he wasn't going anywhere.

I, myself, being at least three times heavier than Gio, frequently call out, "Honey, I can't get out of bed unless you get Nay Nay off of me! And make coffee, please."

Well, I hope I say please........

I'm always amazed how someone so small, Nay Nay is all of 10 lbs, can be so heavy.....

1 comment:

Heather said...

So sweet that pretty kitty is protective of Gio...

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