Monday, November 28, 2011

Twilight Saga Breaking Dawn Part 1

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The other night the Huz and I went to see Twilight Breaking Dawn Part 1!

I loved it!

The Huz not so much.

"The beginning (wedding) was sooooooooooooo slooooooooooow," complains the Huz.

The movie itself teeter totters between a B- and a B+. Sure, the Vampires' make up is over done, especially compared to Bella's au natural look. The acting is anything but great. The romance is over the top and makes me throw up in my mouth a little. Yes, it's ridiculous that Jacob rips off his shirt showing off his hot body just as the movie begins.

But the story of Twilight Breaking Dawn, is awesome for several reasons. One, it's not a typical fairy tale with a happy ending. Bella doesn't get married and live happily ever after. Instead, Bella gets married, has a horrible pregnancy, and in the end she turns into a monster.

There's a lot of truth in that, Internet.

Second, Bella finally claims her power, doing what she wants instead of what Edward and Jacob tell her to do. Amazingly, Jake and Edward continue to love Bella even when she's amazing, powerful, in charge, bossy, grouchy, feeling ill and not looking her best.

In other words, they accept Bella even when she is a real woman.

Go Bella!

Don't worry guys, Edward and Jacob don't sacrifice any of their monsterliness in the process of yielding to Bella's power. Breaking Dawn solidifies the charismatic alliance between Bella, Edward and Jacob, which is built on trust, respect, and love.

Lastly, Jacob finally imprints on SOMEONE, and finds his soul mate. What a relief that is. And who deserves it more than Jacob? Well, we all deserve to find our soul mate, the same amount, but still.

While I adore the Twilight novels, the Twilight movies are campy, and overly dramatic causing the audience to burst out into laughter at the movie's most dramatic moments. And this is where the movie magic begins.

Watching any of the Twilight movies with an audience is like seeing it with hundreds of your best, drunk friends. There are no filters. And there's plenty of witty, indulgent and inappropriate commentary at the movies most serious moments.

Twilight Breaking Dawn, is worth watching because what the movie lacks, the audience more than makes up for in entertainment. The Twilight movies could be this generation's Rocky Horror Picture Show. As soon as viewers start showing up in costume and breaking into song, that is.

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