Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Broken Tile, Again

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The bathroom remodel is going well. Er, make that was.

Last night the Huz noticed four or five squeaking floor tiles.

"Arrrr, eeeeeee, arrrrrr, eeeeeee," squeak the NEW tiles.

As soon as the tile guy arrived this morning, I mentioned the squeaky tiles.

I would quote him but I generally avoid swearing in posts.

I left the tile guy to his work, but minutes later I hear an all too familiar sound of the hammer on tile, "Smash, smash, smash!"

"Why does it sound like someone is breaking tile?" I ask myself. "That's impossible, right?"

I scramble down the hallway to the bathroom. My eyes confirm what my ears already know. Yep, the tile guy has broken out five or six pieces of NEW tile.

"Wah!" I want to cry upon seeing the once beautiful now broken tile.

That was at 9 a.m. Internet and I only had one question: Is it too early for a Margarita? Oh well, it's after 5 o'clock now.......................

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