Thursday, March 1, 2012

One of THOSE Days

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I'll be smashing these tiles tomorrow.

I had the tile and decorative band picked for the bathroom remodel Monday, and it was OUT OF STOCK.

Yes, I'm yelling, while simultaneously pulling out my hair. All the while wishing the bathroom hadn't been demo'd because as my memory recalls, it wasn't that bad.

Internet, please do not tell Hubby I said that. Actually, the bathroom isn't being remodeled because I didn't like it. It's being remodeled because there haven't been any waves. When there aren't waves I get bored, and I must find something to do.

Just kidding. Sort of.

The real reason for the remodel is the bathroom was only tiled for a bathtub, meaning the tile only goes one third of the way up the wall, but we were using it mainly for a shower.

Can you spell water damage? Unfortunately, I can.

Though if the waves had been good the last three weeks, I wouldn't have even remembered the problem of inadequate tile. However, due to the lack of surf it was ALL I could think about.

Anyways, today, I committed to some tile, which I actually love much more than that OUT OF STOCK tile.


Now I just need to get the plumber over here to install the new bathtub, and assorted pipes and plumbing that go with a complete remodel before the tile arrives on Thursday.

I can do this. I can do this. I can do this.

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