Friday, December 11, 2009

How To Make Love Like A Pr0n Star

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Several weeks ago I had birthday party duty. I call it duty because this is where I exist in a world where Mommy is NOT Goddess. In other words, my kid totally ignores me.

Fortunately, I had gone surfing and the waves were really good. Surfing makes everything better, just like crack.

Anyways, the party started looking up, when I realized we wouldn't be eating Pizza for lunch. On the menu; tri tip, fresh baked warm rolls, spinach salad with dairy free dressing!

I know it was awesome, don't hate.

Amazingly, the Mom wasn't even stressin' over her party of perfection. She was carrying on normal conversations. In fact, she was funny. Then she dropped a book club bomb on me.

We were discussing our book clubs, when she says, "we read How To Make Love Like A Porn Star."

"I'm in the wrong book club!" I exclaim. "Can I please join yours. We're currently reading Anna Ka-effing-boring-Rina."

"Sure," she offers kindly.

I had to resist kissing her on the mouth, because well, I knew if I did, I'd be univited to the Pr0n book club.

I was ready to defect. I'd been writing my defection email over and over in my mind, when suddenly Rock Star Hubby, yes he amazes daily, comes home with Anna Karenina by Leo Tolstoy on CD from the library.

Sadly, I will not be defecting to the bookclub that read Jenna Jameson's How To Make Love Like A Porn Star.

Though I must say defection is tempting. I mean, what devoted wife doesn't want to know how to make love like a porn star?

I suppose there's always hope of convincing my book club to read Jenna's book. However, when I suggested we read The Sex Lives Of Cannibals they gave me a funny look.


EndofTired said...

Maybe your rock star can find you Jenna's book on CD, too. Not that hers would be as HARD a read. snrk. said...

Or we can just pretend I read it

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