Sunday, July 11, 2010

Uh, I Don't Think So

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There's nothing like arriving at a destination, after a nine hour road trip, and realizing the rocket box, doesn't have clearance. All I can say is one, thank goodness Hubby was driving. I would have driven right into the parking garage without a thought, ripping the roof top box off the car.

And, two, the man knows how to take stuff apart , qiuckly. He had the cargo box unloaded and off the car in less than 10 minutes. Our condo has zero street parking, so that is a very good thing.

Three, my oldest doesn't take after my husband. Confused? Let me 'splain it to you Lucy.

"Dad I think we should just go for it!" says Vinny, when we were all still wondering if we could make it through.


Sara said...

I like that Vinny! Have fun!

nana/moma said...

Oh, grandson.

nana/moma said...

Oh, grandson, I worry about you

Anonymous said...

Dude, Imagine trying to get rollin thunda up in there?
Would've had to bust out a giant saw or something...

Good thing the man was there eh?!


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