Sunday, January 1, 2012

Happy New Year!

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Internet, last night the entire family awake at midnight to cheer in the New Year. Our new neighbors kept us awake. Not with noise, but with fun, games and margaritas.

"Please, baby Jesus, let everyone sleep in tomorrow," I prayed as I fell asleep last night.

Internet, Baby Jesus was listening. The Huz and I woke up at 8. Vinny rolled out of bed around 10:15. And Gio got vertical just before 11.

We eventually made it to the beach, just after our neighbors, same neighbors, around 2 p.m. Just in time for burgers by Mojo Burger, THANKS, and a few choice waves.

Mojo Burger made burgers for everyone at the beach.
Internet, how sweet is that? Super sweet.

The waves were fun enough, the kids played in the water.

2012 is off to an epic start......and for that I am grateful. A to the Mend.


nana/mama said...

New neighbors are sure fun. said...


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