Sunday, October 23, 2011

Potato Bug

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"Honey, come quick, there's a giant bug in the garage!" I shout.

"What is it?" asks Hubby.

"Big!" I say.

"How big?" asks Hubby.

"Giant!" I say.

"Is it bigger than your thumb?" asks Hubby.

"Yeah!" I say.

"Is it a mouse?" asks Hubby.

Hmmmmmmmmmmmmm......maybe it isn't bigger than my thumb.

"It's just a potato bug," says Hubby picking up the scampering cricket. "What's the big deal? I used to play with them all the time when I was a kid."

Hello, I never played with bugs. But it was clear Hubby did from the way he used his hands as a bug treadmill to keep the bug from escaping his clutches.

Of course, after Hubby put the bug outside, he had to google potato bug, aka Jerusalem Cricket, which are "sometimes known to bite."

"You're lucky he didn't bite you," I say.

"No potato bug is gonna bite me," says Hubby, in manly voice.

"Yeah, it probably did, but you're so tough Mr Potato Bug couldn't pierce your Kevlar-like skin," I say to myself, in case another bug shows up and I need his help.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

They are super gross!


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