Thursday, August 19, 2010

How To Disable Facebook Places

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Facebook rolled out a new geolocation feature, Places, yesterday. Places, let's you broadcast where you are right now, and also allows your friends to tag your location and broadcast it to others.

Basically, geolocation services, are high tech word of mouth advertising, that divulge your exact physical location down to the street address, and may or may not offer deals to those who check in.

When you broadcast your location, you are in essence advertising the business you are checking in to, to all of your friends and followers.

If you don't want people to know where you are, or if you don't want your friends broadcasting, or worse pranking your location, then watch the video to learn how to disable Facebook Places. It's short, simple and sweet.

To learn more about how to use Facebook Places from either a user or marketing point of view, check out this post on (click the link)

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