Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Surfing Dolphins

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While surfing the other day I see a giant splash in the water, about a 50 yards from where I am sitting, waiting for my next wave.

"What was that?!" I ask, ready to paddle in, if necessary.

"Oh it's the dolphins," says my surfer pal. "There going off today."

No sooner had he said that, when a dolphin boosted a five foot aerial out of a wave.


Then a dolphin started heading towards me and another surfer, like an under water missile. In other words, fast!

"Whoa," says the surfer, sitting about ten feet from me.

It's a strange feeling to have a dolphin swimming at you, paddling for a wave, at approximately thirty miles an hour. But neither I nor the other surfer moved a muscle, trusting the dolphin, would steer clear of us.

We bobbed up as the wave past under us, with the dolphin threading us like an eye of a needle, while riding the wave, below the surface of the water.


And that's just one reason why I surf, I suppose. To watch the dolphins surf. And really, who needs more reason than that?

Dolphins are surfers too, and way hotter than those Hollywood posers, featured in People Magazine, every week. In fact, they're the reason I cancelled my People Magazine subscription.

Well, I would have cancelled it, if I'd had a subscription, in the first place. So, there.

1 comment:

Sara said...

We saw dolphins playing like crazy last time we were at the beach. Is there something in the water? Oh, yeah--YOU! ;)

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