Saturday, March 27, 2010

Library Ho

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I love the library. I'll borrow my books from any library I can get them.

Yes, I'm a library ho.

The words, "Inter-library loan," are music to my ears. Having books delivered to the library of my choice, is so much better than traveling to another city's library. But if that's what it takes to get my free book, there's no library I won't drive to (within a 10 mile radius)!

At times, however, it does get confusing, getting a book back to its proper library home. And after, I drop the book into the drop off slot, it's a little too late to make sure I'm actually at the correct library, or even dropping in the right book. :0

Good thing I'm a triple checker, most of the time.

1 comment:

Hubby said...

Who turns in most of the books???? I think that would be me... the "Library Pimp."

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