Thursday, February 4, 2010

Believing Is Seeing

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"Hey check out that rainbow!" I say to another surfer.

"What?" he asks. "I don't see any rainbow."

"Right there, it's kind of hard to see, but it's there," I say.

"Wendy are you on something?" he wonders not seeing the rainbow.

"No, I'm not on anything," I say. "But you probably don't see auras or energy fields around people either, so don't feel too bad."


Unknown said...

Ahhh... One of nature's great gifts. Thanks for sharing. said...

Yeah it was just a smidge, but I've been missing a lot of cool rainbow shots lately. So this is better than nothing.

EndofTired said...

It's like it's just showing us its bellybutton. Sexy rainbow.

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