Monday, February 21, 2011


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"Mom, do wishes really come true?" asks Gio.

"Yes, they do," I say.

"Oh good!" exclaims Gio. "I'm going to wish to be a spy when I grow up. And for a Nerf gun."

Now, of course, I am left wondering, "can I cancel out Gio's spy wish, by wishing he does not grow up to be a man of international intrigue?

Let's hope so.


Heather said...

The expression on his face is adorable. Good luck with the spy thing. ;)

Coolest iPhone 6 Plus Cases said...

To sync photos to your iPhone you will need to add them to iPhoto or Aperture (on a Mac) or place them in your Pictures folder (on a PC). The syncing of the photos takes place via iTunes.

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