Thursday, October 29, 2009

Thanks Mom!

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"Look what I brought back for you," says my Mom, upon returning from a Las Vegas AARP convention.

"I'm not reading it," I say.

I don't read many parenting books, so why would I read a book on Parenting my Parent? I'm already pretty good at that, according to my Mom.

Is she really worried about me taking care of her, in her old age? Because if she is, she probably should have brought me a better gift. Besides, she got the book for FREE.

"Hey Vinny, I have a new book for you to read!" I say.

Happy Birthday Mom. I love you!

1 comment:

EndofTired said...

I love the look of the "daughter" on the cover. That is a look that screams, "I'm smiling on the outside, but dear GODDESS save me!!"

On the upside...I love that you are preparing for your future.

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