Monday, October 26, 2009

Meet My New Crush

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I fall in love easily, but even I'm surprised how fond I am of this little guy. Praying Mantis, named for his prayer like body position, is so cute and adorable. Some species of Praying Mantis can even rotate there head up to 300 degrees.

"So we can get one, right," ask all three boys.

"No, no, no!" I say.

Good thing my crushes are fleeting and short lived.............


EndofTired said...

They are awesome! said...

And so cute!

Sara said...

When I was a teacher, my students would find these guys in the school garden and play with them until they got bit!

Mantis said...

I also love to eat small lizards, frogs, birds, snakes, and even mice. said...

Sara thank you! They bite? My kids won't want one.

Beth in SF said...

oooh he is cute :) said...

Yes and according to Sara he bites so be careful!

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