Saturday morning and we had to be at the T-Ball field at 8:45 A to the M, for Gio's team pictures and a game. Or so I thought.
"This is going to be real quick," says Gio's Coach. "They're only going to play one inning."
Though the hour and ten minute round trip drive seemed excessive, for one inning of T-Ball, especially with the price of gas hovering at four bucks, I was glad to be done much sooner than I expected. It was like I was getting a "Get Out Of Jail Free," card."
But in my case it's a "Go Surf Right Now Insanity Prevention," card.
Ahhh memories...Max was coming down with stomach flu on his first day of Tball. He spent the whole game in the outfield fighting nausea. Barfed in the car on the way home. Refused to go back ever again "Baseball makes me sick!" As a fellow slacker mom, I was relieved to only have older son's baseball schedule to follow.
Haha! That's hilariously tragic, and happy for you! Thanks for sharing.
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