Luna Mew Kitten
Internet, it may be hard to believe, but I'm 99.9% certain the kitten that threw up the earplug last night, isn't the kitten who is sick today. Otherwise, she would be feeling better. Right?
Luna Mew Kitten has been lethargic since 5 o'clock yesterday evening. We took her to the vet this morning, as she hadn't, and still hasn't, had any food or water.
"Has she been throwing up?" asks Vicky Veterinarian.
"No," Hubby answers.
"Is she still an indoor cat," asks Vicky Veterinarian.
"Yes," I answer.
"Wait, there were carnations on the table," says Hubby suddenly remembering. "There was a carnation bud on the table and on the floor, whose ends were chewed."
"The carnations could be the culprit," says Vicky Veterinarian. "They are mildly toxic to cats."
Vicky Veterinarian recommended giving Luna Mew Kitten fluids, which we did. $125.00 later, now we are playing a wicked game of waiting.
She did purr a little bit tonight. Right now she's sleeping.
We are HOPING and PRAYING Luna Mew Kitten is sick from the carnations. And we promise to never, ever have flowers in the house AGAIN!
I hate seeing my baby sick. Ugh.
Poor little meow meow...
I hope she's better every minute!
no way! hope she feels better.
If your kitty needs further sub q fluids, you can do it yourself. There are a TON of videos on youtube that will guide you through the process.
You can either buy the supplies at a pharmacy or your vet might sell them to you.
It's not as scary as it looks. You can also tempt your kitty with foods you would not normally give her, like tuna, or meat only baby food, junk cat food. Anything to get her to eat. If a cat goes to long without eating they can develop hepatic lipidosis, also known as fatty liver. Which can kill.
Sometimes when cats stop eating cause they don't feel good they can become anorexic. They might feel better but JUST. WON'T. EAT. Like they associate the smell of their food with feeling sick, and might gag when you offer it. So that's why you can offer almost anything else that will get them eating again.
I hope all is better by the time you read this and I've scared you for nothing! You can always call Canada and get my number or email if you have any questions I might be able to help you with. God knows I've had my share of sick cats.
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