Friday, July 15, 2011

SVT Catheter Ablation

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Internet you may remember how my Mom ended up in ER four weeks ago, for an arrhythmia in her heart. Recall, if you will, that her first option was to increase her medication to stop her heart from beating too fast.

The medicine didn't work, so she is onto step two. The last and final step, I hope and pray to Baby Jesus, in fixing the electrical issue with her heart. Today is Catheter Ablation Day, hence the reason for my being at the hospital for twelve hours.

Good times.

The procedure involved the electrocardiologist going into a vein in the groin with a catheter-thinga-ma-fixer. Internet guess what he found? An EXTRA electrical pathway that was causing the irregular, rapid heartbeats.

Like a Jedi Master, the doctor zapped the bothersome extra pathway into oblivion, just like in Star Wars.

Waaaaa Cha!

The procedure took about four hours, which according to Physician's Assistant Allen, "was short."

From the waiting room perspective it felt sooooooooooo Looooooooooooooooooong. Fortunately, I had great company, my Aunt and my Cousin, were there to distract me from my worry.

Thanks ladies!

The electrocardiologist said the procedure "was uncomplicated and went well. You can drive tomorrow."

"You are not driving tomorrow," I growl politely.

Mom's spending one night in the hospital. Tomorrow she'll be coming to our house for as many days as necessary to recover. And she'll be sleeping on the new futon!

I'm relieved everything went well, since I only have one Mom, and I'd like to keep it that way.

Though she may not always think so.

Now I'm going to sleep. Hospitals are exhausting. While Mom's procedure may have been a big deal to the docs, especially since they or their loved ones, aren't the ones getting it, the hospital environment is rather depressing.

Seeing people in the last stages of life, suffering, while their loved ones hearts break, isn't exactly uplifting. Especially knowing we are ALL heading in that direction.

Even worse is hearing a woman's still young husband being diagnosed with Stage 3 Cancer. Honestly, I don't know how people work in the hospital without diving deep into the pool of CRAZY.

I suppose it must be all the good they are able to do that gets them through life's inevitable tragedies. And I am grateful they do it.

As Mom reminded me yesterday,"They fixed Vinny. It wasn't like you could have helped him."


Anonymous said...

You've seen enough hospital for a lifetime just in the past year. It's crazy. Hopefully now, things will all start getting better from here on in.

Hope to see you in the water soon!
I miss ya.
Canada said...

Yeah I should be more used to it right? Water? Where's that?

Anonymous said...

Its been too long for sure.

If you ever wanna float around, I'll go do that with ya. Just float on wavestorm. I'll float beside ya.... Until your ready to paddle again.


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