Tuesday, February 17, 2009

PEDIGREE® Super Bowl Commercial 2009

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Hey y'all! I thought, just for the fun of it, I would post a video. A video that is so funny, my husband and my kids just made me replay it five times.

"Let's watch it again!" they all scream in my ear.

"But I have to write my blog," I protest. "I can't write my blog if we watch the video over and over and over..."

"Again!" they scream in unison.

"Okay, Okay," I give in.

So much for the blog.

In the background: hysterical side splitting laughter.


Anonymous said...

hehehe that is pretty funny. lol

wendy@areyoubreathing.com said...

Yeah it's still funny after watching it 25,000 times!

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