Saturday, July 25, 2009

Crazy Dreams Carrie Underwood

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I love this song, y'all, because our future is made from our dreams and aspirations.

The other day I was talking to one of my friends, and somehow what I do for a living came up in our conversation.

"I thought you were a writer?" says my friend. "I read your blog, it's entertaining."

"No, I'm trying to be a writer," I say clarifying his misconception.

Later that day, I was telling Stefan about the conversation with our friend. "That's your problem," says Stefan. "You are a writer, but you don't know it."

He went on to lecture me about, "just because you're not making money, doesn't mean you're not a writer."

And I knew he was right. I am a writer.

Hey, I like the sound of that.

To quote one of my favorite people, Rob Robb, "Believing is seeing."


EndofTired said...

if you can visualize a parking space and get can visualize you being a writer and it will happen. It would be different if you were a bad writer. Then the visualization would be migraine inducing. But you write good. ;-)

nana/moma said...

Why didnt you believe me when I said you could and should write. Will you believe me,now,when I say, "you are an excellent photo-journalist". That is one of your gifts.
Never could understand why after you did four years of college in journalism, why you went to massage school. Maybe it is a Mother-daughter thing.
DON't believe anything your Mother says!

nana/moma said...

I dreamed I would have a beautiful daughter who would marry a prince and have beautiful princes and princesses.

Sara said...

I've read that you have to say it out loud. You write. You must be a writer. Plus you are a tenacious blogger! said...

Aw thanks Jen! said...

Ha ha Mom don't worry I do, believe what you say is true for you. said...

Wow Mom you may live in a bigger fantasy world than I do, but I think mine has way more sex. said...

Hey Sara you're right about the tenacious blogger part. I'm before we left for our trip I wrote 12 blogs, did laundry and packed. Phew!

Unknown said...

You are a writer and a damn good one. I hope someday you get paid for it too! Bonus!

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