Sunday, July 5, 2009

The Manual

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Last Spring Vinny made his First Communion. Unfortunately, it was one of those things he didn't really enjoy doing, saying we forced him to do it, is putting it nicely.

However, all that churchy business inspired Gio. He's a regular Jesus freak now. He loves going to church, praying, and eating the donuts afterwards. Actually, as I recall that was Vinny's favorite part.

Now that first communion is complete, we have been slacking off of our church going. But Gio is always here to remind us to pray before and during our meals

"Let's say a prayer," says Gio.

"Aye yai yai," complains Vinny.

"Daddy you say the prayer," orders Gio.

"Come Lord Jesus....."

"Daddy that isn't how it goes," interrupts Gio. "I need to go get my Manual. I'll be right back."

"I'm starving!" I say. "I hope it doesn't take him long to find the manual,"


Unknown said...

Haha! My son too is always concerned with "is there gonna be donuts today?" We have been slacking on the church going too. We definitely go more when school is in session. Hope he found his Manual :) said...

Slacking is an understatement. And yeah he found his "manual" ha ha! He's the only one who knows where anything is.

Veronica, Collin and Jed said...

I loved this post! Reminds me of how Collin also reminds me about the slacking that is happening in this household. Collin's favorite part is also the doughnut, especially the chocolate ones. said...

I wouldn't mind going to church myself if I could eat the donuts.

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