Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Rock Kiss

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Kissing is so fun, even boring, old rocks like doing it. I hope I'm not the only one who can see the Hot Rock's (on the left) hair, eyes, nose and lips.

For those viewers who cannot see the anatomical features of Hot Rock, on the left, quick run to the store and buy an imagination. On second thought, lay in a field of grass and make shapes with the clouds.

This activity drastically improves the imagination and also wastes large quantities of time.


Sara said...

Yeah baby, that's one hot rock. Was it a sunny day? Youch!

wendy@areyoubreathing.com said...

haha You're funny! No it was dreary and foggy actually.

nana/moma said...

guess I passed my quirky imagination on to you. Fun fun!

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