Thursday, July 2, 2009

Ping Pong Wimbeldon

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"We got a Ping Pong table," I text my friend. "I'm so excited!"

"Whaaaaat?" texts my friend. "I didn't even know you play."

"I love Ping Pong!" I text.

"We can have the Wimbledon of Table Tennis at your house," texts my friend.

"Yeah, game on bitches!" I text.


pikaki said...

you swing like my grandma .

EndofTired said...

Nu-uh. I've seen her play...she is fierce! She will kick your ass! I can't wait to watch the beating!!! said...

Yeah when your Grandma was forty and hot!!!!!! said...

Thanks J!!!

pikaki said...

are you sure you will be able to stand up to my asian top spin and serena afro? said...

OMG! lol!!!! Yeah I'm sure. Remember I played in high school so I'm semi-pro.

Stefan said...

Yikes... bitchy commentary. said...

What do you expect from bitches?!

EndofTired said...

I believe this is "smack talk," known to come before a heated sporting event, like the world cup, superbowl, world series, or ping pong wendy v. B. that kind of thing. said...

I will DOMinate!!!!!!

Sara said...

You guys are TOO funny. Play on!

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