Friday, July 3, 2009

Lego Arcade

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In the days before video games actually took skill, like they do today, I was a Gamer. Of course, in the eighties the term Gamer didn't exist.

I believe that makes me a pioneering, trendsetting, original Gamer. Yes, back in the day, we went through rolls of quarters to get our game on. There wasn't a free reset button.

When things went wrong, we ran out of lives. We had to pay to play again. Except on Pinball, where free games were popped with high scores and matching numbers. On certain Pinball machines one quarter could last hours, those were generally the older machines, though.

Here's a cool stop motion video made with Legos that brought back some great memories for me. Though a few of my favorites are missing like Pong, Pinball, and Galaga, many classics are included in the video such as Pacman, Tron, Frogger, and Asteroids. Enjoy!

And answer me this why are today's video games so hard? No wonder kids have to spend so much time playing them, it's the only way to get good.

1 comment:

Wendy said...

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