"You didn't open it, did you?" she asks concerned.
"No. It didn't have a paperclip, anyways." Only emails with attachments, indicated by a paperclip, have viruses, right?
Let the Bail Out Games begin. Are people starting businesses helping people attain bail out funds? Why didn't I think of that? Or is it just a play on words? Even with the economy in the crapper people are still creative, inventive and ready to make a quick buck. Read: greedy, which is how we got into the bailout business in the first place. Only in the good ole United States of America.

And I will assume the folks at Fight Foreclosure who sent me an email saying, "Don't go into foreclosure," have a nice little racket going as well.
How do you spell s-c-a-m o-n -t-o-p- o-f -s-c-a-m?
Suddenly, the spam that I used to get, "Make your penis larger," is much easier to swallow.
This is gonna be a random spew, cause everytime I get my paycheck, im pretty pissed off at all the taxes im paying. If the government would give me back only half of all the taxes paid in my adult career that they squandered away, i'd be pretty happy. How come we can't be like the loan officer at the bank that looks at the governments credit history and deny them our hard worked moolah, "ooh, im sorry government, you're trillions of dollars in debt, and your credit history is a -1000, it seems you still owe $10,000,000,000". Everyone should only have to pay 5% of their earnings until the government comes up with a plan that's going to solve their frivolous spending problems. It's like, if you give a spoiled teenage daughter a credit card with an endless credit limit, she'll go off and buy jets with walk in closets. Give her $100 bucks, and she'll be pretty picky about how she spends it. You just dont go print more money. Anyone who just prints money would go to jail. Man, setting a bad example for everyone... the whole system just sucks.
Are you using your laptop on the toilet??? GROOOSSS!
It was supposed to be an analogy for the economy being in the toilet. Get it?
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