Figment of my imagination.
When I am not thinking of surfing I am usually thinking of sex. Thinking about sex isn't just for guys anymore. Besides, the biggest philosophical debate among surfers is: Is surfing better than sex? All I can say, without directly answering that question is, if the waves are bad I can find better things to do. But when it comes right down to it, I'd rather not have to choose.
I saw this license plate while flying my airplane the other day. Just kidding. I was driving, silly. I thought the license plate said, "69CEXPRT." I was about to start following the car, for advice an all, when I realize the driver is just a computer expert.
Digital reenactment.
Don't get me wrong with the craziness of computers the world needs all the computer geeks it can get. I thought the P was a 6 and I was pronouncing the C like an s, as in, "ssssssssss." Just like the c found in precise, brace, face, mace.......Yes,
A few blocks later the car was gone and I thought to myself, "What if the P stood for something else entirely?" But the car had disappeared into the traffic, just like another beautiful face in the crowd.
I am wondering, Internet, what did you see? I can't wait to hear from you. And please, notice, I capitalize your name, because I respect your feedback and I can't wait for your comments. Thanks! Oh and for those who would like to leave a comment but are shy, select the anonymous option. Also, all comments must be approved by the editor of this blog, me, before they are posted, meaning you won't instantly see your comment.
A few blocks later the car was gone and I thought to myself, "What if the P stood for something else entirely?" But the car had disappeared into the traffic, just like another beautiful face in the crowd.
I am wondering, Internet, what did you see? I can't wait to hear from you. And please, notice, I capitalize your name, because I respect your feedback and I can't wait for your comments. Thanks! Oh and for those who would like to leave a comment but are shy, select the anonymous option. Also, all comments must be approved by the editor of this blog, me, before they are posted, meaning you won't instantly see your comment.
Honk if you're horny.
Is that all you think about wendy surfs?!? SOMEONE has a dirty mind LOL
what up, sexpert?
too funny!
are those real license plates in the picture?
Photoshop real.
Mr. Are You Breathing is a lucky guy!
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