Well, I used to make Angel Mixes until my nai mp3 player started malfunctioning in the remembering department. Don't feel sorry for me, I dropped it in a deep puddle of toxic rainwater, while hurriedly getting my surfboard out of the car. And it actually worked fine for a few years (Thanks Stefan!), but now it's having memory issues.
Besides it's giant! "That is the biggest mp3 players in the entire world!"one of it's observers noted. It is almost the same size as my very first Sony Walkman. I affectionately refer to it as "my walkman." Some of my friends think that is funny and are probably laughing, right now. "Ha,ha." Did anyone else hear that?

Big and Small.
I will get a new mp3 player when I decide on the right one for me, but I have a hard time making up mind when I have too much information. I also have a tiny Sansa Clip 4 GB player that "clips" onto my clothing. I absolutely love the clip, and it also isn't an ipod. I can't figure out how to make playlists on it, even though some people think of me as a techie, I'm unfortunately not. Maybe if it were an ipod I could figure out how to make playlists because everyone tells me, "They are so easy to use."

The only criteria for a song to make an Angel mix is, the song must have a positive, inspiring message. If anyone would like to list their top 1-5 Angel songs in the comment section, I might get inspired to get a new mp3 player to make more angel mixes.
Then maybe I will put the playlists on the blog. I think there is a way to do that, right, someone, please help? I may not be a true techie, but I am smart enough to surround myself with people who are tech savvy. Enjoy.
Is that mp3 player for reals? It's mackin'. that's ghetto-tech. btw, i LOVE that song.
Yes, it is a real mp3 and no it isn't my old sony walkman cassette. I wanted to take a photograph of that too, but I couldn't find it. I think I got mad at it for getting gooey stuff on me and I might have thrown it away.
i have a better word for ghetto-tech.... techno-ghetto!!! remember what i told you about old stuff you dont use anymore???
Techno-ghetto is my favorite genre of music. Ha. I think I got rid of it. And today I got rid of a ton of paper. Does that count? I need points.
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