Monday, December 20, 2010

"Abscess Boot Camp!"

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Meet my new best friend, Zofran.
Vinny's medicine for the medicine.

No fever. No pain. No vomit. That's all good, right? Yes, it is.

But Vinny's been very nauseated from the antibiotics so many days it's making me cry. This morning he had the dry heaves when he got up just to go to the bathroom. The nausea is most severe when he moves.

As a result of the motion sickness, Vinny didn't move much yesterday. That's not great for his healing. The body needs skeletal muscle movement to pump the lymphatic fluid, a component of the immune system, through his body. Without movement the body stagnates. Think mucky pond water.

So when I got a text from Super Ped this morning saying:

"Today, is a good day for movement! Stretches, standing up, walking around....let's start the real recovery! Abscess boot camp! Small movements around the house every hour---complaints not listened to (unless it is really painful--and then, call me!!!!!!!"

I was worried. Oh well, I guess he'll be walking around with "the bucket," between doses of antibiotics.

First he started walking from one end of the house to the other every hour . But he's progressed to getting up and moving every 30 minutes. He seems to be feeling better, and by better I mean he's not screaming, "I need the bucket!"

YAY!!!!! Once again, Super Ped saves the day!

We are still very careful to make him lie still with no food or water, for one hour after he takes his antibiotics. An hour should be enough time for his stomach to absorb the medicine. The last thing we want is him barfing up doses of the bug killers, though the entire Internet knows I'm not afraid to get a little vomit under my finger nails.

We need to make it to December 29th, the date of Bloody Bill's hopeful departure. And at this rate I see we can make it. Yes, I see we can, I see we can, I see we can.

Who knew a train could be so inspiring?

Thanks for all the messages and cards. They really do help. And please keep the prayers coming. Angels are real, both Heavenly and Earthly varieties.


Noah And Kai said...

Zofran is the best. With my last pregnancy I threw up every day for 5 months and would have kept throwing up without my little pill.
Still praying for you guys...

Wendall said...

Your pediatrician sounds like a saint. I wish she did adult medicine. said...

Saint Super Ped? I like it! Honestly, if she hadn't been watching over Vinny things would have been so much worse, hard to even imagine that, but she is definitely his safety net. Yeah zofran is the bomb.

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