Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Laughing Parrot

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No real changes for Vinny today, except I have noticed he's teasing his brother a bit, so he must be feeling better. I do think his nausea has improved due to spacing the first two doses of antibiotics two hours apart, instead of one.

Nay Nay kitty is hanging in there. Her tongue isn't fully functioning so we are helping her eat, by piling up her food, so she can bite it. I think she's going to need sub cutaneous fluids soon, too, as I haven't see her drink any water.

I would like to thank everyone who has been sending us good vibes, prayers, text messages, emails, and phone calls. It's nice to know folks are thinking about us. Actually it's more than nice it makes me smile. :) See?

Anyways, I need a good laugh so I'm posting a video, my friend sent me, of herself and a parrot, whom she came across randomly in a parking lot. It makes me laugh especially the last few seconds when the parrot imitates her breathe in laugh, "Huh!"

They say laughter is the best medicine, and based on the way I feel, exhausted, I'm going to need a lot of it.

"Hehe, hehe, hehe, snort, hehe, hehe."


Christine said...

I haven't read this, a friend who was very sick passed this along. He was having trouble keeping his antibiotics down too...
I hope it can be of some help, even if Vinnys not on the same meds.

Unknown said...

thiet ke nha pho
thiet ke biet thu
thiet ke nha dep
tu bep dep
xay dung nha pho
xay dung biet thu
thi cong noi that chung cu
thi cong noi that nha pho
thi cong noi that biet thu
thi cong nha dep
noi that nha dep
do go noi that
phu kien tu bep

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