Friday, October 24, 2008

Life Ahead of Time

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Does anybody have a copy of this Life Magazine issue from 2004 featuring Tina Fey and John McCain on the cover? Do I smell an eBay auction brewing?

Oh well, at least I now understand why McCain picked Sarah Palin as his Veep running mate. Yes, it is all starting to make sense. Does McCain know Tina Fey and Sarah Palin are two different people? Or is he thinking, "Wow, what happened? She was so witty in 04. Politics sure can age a girl."

Or maybe this is some sort of liberal conspiracy. John McCain could be in on the whole thing. Hasn't he made some Republicans mad or something? Wait. I'm a liberal. Ssh. I think it's working.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

That'll get him some votes, just cause people like Tina Fey!

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