Tuesday, October 28, 2008

My Deepest Condolences

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Tragedy has struck Academy Award Winner Jennifer Hudson. Her mother, brother, and now seven year old nephew, died in what investigators are calling a domestic dispute involving guns. Go home guns!

I missed Jennifer on American Idol, but I am sure she would have been my favorite. Talent isn't limited to a body that fits into a size 0, Simon.

My first introduction to Ms. Hudson was on the Dreamgirls Soundtrack with the song, "I love You I Do." At one point this was mine and Vinny's favorite song. We would listen to it over and over and over in the car on the way to and from school. We got so much joy listening to her sing that song. I wish I could bottle our joy and send it to her and her family right now.

Every time I see the headlines I feel sad as I am reminded of the world of pain she's living in right now.

I am sure something good will come of this tragedy. Like maybe everyone will turn in their guns to a police station. Or maybe all the guns will disappear into a universe without any people. Oooh. I like that one. Okay everyone focus.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It's always easier for people to pull a trigger. It's a disconnect. They don't have to touch the person, feel their heartbeat, or the warmth of their victims flesh. I know bad people are what kill people, not guns. But murder would be a hell of a lot harder if people had to do the dirty work with their bare hands. Tradgic. This makes me want to cry.

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