Monday, December 8, 2008

A Bad Day of Surfing

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A surfing company used to have an ad slogan that went something like, "Even a bad day of surfing is better than a good day at work."

And this explains why after getting slapped in the face by one wave, having another wave try to pull my arm out of its socket and yet another wave attempt to give me whiplash I love, love, love surfing.

Or having someone who doesn't know how to surf paddle straight out to the peak, I waited 10 years to paddle over to, or having some guy snake me because I'm a girl and he doesn't yet know, "mama might surf better than him, or getting snaked even when the surfer knows I can surf, I love, love, love surfing.

Or when I'm in the middle of a crowd that doesn't know there are rules in surfing, and instead believes it's a free for all, cowabunga, induced orgy, I love, love, love surfing.

Or when some grumpy local starts yelling profanities because he doesn't know how to cope with the surge in popularity of surfing that is causing CEOs and fortysomethings to take to the waves in the 1000s, I love, love, love surfing.

After all that abuse, which sometimes reminds me of a bad relationship I should probably consider leaving, even after hypothermia has set itself into my bones, I love, love, love surfing.


Anonymous said...

YAY! Let's go SURFING!!!

Anonymous said...

What bad relationship?

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