Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Celebrate Diversity

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Each and every person on Planet Earth has their own unique finger print. Everyone is different and that, in my opinion, is what makes the world go 'round.

I love having friends who are different than me. And trust me they are. Friends with different and unique perceptions, who come from various religious, professional and childhood backgrounds. I learn so much about life from the stories they take the time to share with me. One way to live isn't better than any other way.

There are as many ways to live life, as there are people living on Planet Earth, approximately 6.7 billion and counting. Each person is creating their own movie here on Earth. Some people prefer drama and some prefer comedy, while others are drawn to documentaries or musicals. Then there are those who seem to be living in a romantic comedy, which in real life is not that funny.

Although sometimes I wonder why everyone doesn't see things the way I do. My vision of the world could make the world a better place. But that would be so boring and may not work since everyone probably holds their own vision in the same regard.

The point of being on Planet Earth is to learn from each other's gifts and share our gifts with the world.

But in reality what frequently happens is people who are different are ostracized because they don't fit into the MYTH of the norm. People often fear what they don't understand. It's time to put fear aside and embrace love by listening to people who are different so we can understand where they are coming from, instead of telling them where we think they ought to be coming from.

Now is the time to stop taking away people's rights because they are different from what we believe is right. Opinions are like noses: every one's got one. As long as air gets through it, no matter the shape or size of the nose, then so be it. Rather than judging someone eles's nose, let's all take a deep breath together. Breathing is one thing we all have in common.

One of the interesting trends happening on the Internet is the level of honesty is higher through online communications than face to face. And I think this lessening of smoke and mirrors online eventually will filter down to face to face relations. People once thought that the Internet was making life less personal, but it's actually creating forums for people to be honest about who they are because they can connect to thousands of people similar to themselves.

Now there's a breath of fresh air.


Anonymous said...

Amen sistah! What's weird to you (as in each person as who they are) is completely normal to the other person, and if you have the consciousness to see things from the other persons perspective, then WE become the weird one. So, we are all normal (in our own heads) and we are also all weirdos (to the other person), so we are all different in our views, but we all are similar. So the next time your "weird" friend says or does something that isn't normal to you, it will be easier to understand, because you ain't normal to them. haha am I making any sense? Dangit wendy, you always make me think too hard.

Liz Harrell said...

These are some really lovely thoughts. I hope you're right about the future. :)

Anonymous said...

Well said ms. wendy!
Pikaki's got it right also.
Thanks for always making us stop and take a breath of fresh air.
I needed it today.
luv ya

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