Thursday, January 22, 2009

Addicted to Facebook

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This vlog sums up Facebook. But don't bother watching it, okay. Because, I don't know, you might laugh and that would be terrible.

The vlog may help people break the Facebook Fever. Unless, you're my Mom, who still asks, "how does this Facebook thing work?" Sounds luke warm to me.

Or me. I'm not addicted to Facebook. I only update my status once or 13 times a day.

"Wendy loves the smell of coffee. 8:14am"

"Wendy is ready for some fun. 10:37am"

"Wendy got totally tubed while sidewalk surfing. 4:52pm"

"Wendy is preparing to play pokemon. 6:05pm"

My husband had to quit Facebook for awhile because he felt he was spending too much time Facebookin' it.

"I kept checking my Facebook throughout the day," he says. "It just got to be too much."

He took a break, but he's back on it. "Stefan is re-joining the ambient awareness of FaceBook." He thinks he is going to have more friends than me. Ha!

I love Facebook. Looking at two pictures of someone I know, followed by 500 photos of people I don't know. Yeah, that is a little weird. Especially high school pictures from twenty years ago. It should be illegal to tag, name, people in photos without their permission.

What if a teenager gets really mad at his parents and starts posting horrible pictures of the two people who sacrificed their entire lives for said child. It could happen! To me! I see the future(read in "I see dead people" voice).

But really can't the powers that be, stop the senseless photo tagging of innocent people? If Facebook can fire Burger King, then it can stop photo tagging, right? It's mean. Meaner than betraying someone for a Whopper.

Facebook fired Burger King, huh? Burger King created the Whopper Sacrifice where if a Facebooker fired 10 friends, the Facebooker got a free Whopper. (Only one free whopper per Facebooker, please.)

Sounds like a great idea. Piss off ten people to get a hamburger that upon ingestion will induce a two hour coma. I love it!

Facebook found fault with Burger King's clever app because it violated user's privacy by announcing all the fired users on Facebook Nation, where everything, and I mean everything, is announced anyways.

"How embarrassing!"

So the Facebook Admin put the double flame broiler out faster than I could update my status: "Wendy thinks Burger King's App is funny, but mean spirited."

Honestly, did anyone really get offended by getting fired for a cheap hamburger? I know I'm worth more than a Whopper, but for the record no one fired me. Phew!

The critics of Facebook are hailing Burger King's Whopper Sacrifice as a brilliant marketing tactic. Over 200,000 friends were "sacrificed" in the name of the whopper in less than a week.

Facebook, after all, doesn't have to be just about making friends it can be about making money, too. Then Facebook won't have to do some sort of elenvth hour fundraising to save its own life.


Sara said...
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Sara said...

I only Facebook on Tuesdays, honest.

Anonymous said...

well my facebook addiction came from bad influence. i have a friend that held me at wax comb point and told me i better get on facebook or she wouldn't be my friend anymore. j/k. im making stuff up. only about the threat, not about the influence.

Sara said...

Want some facebook scariness? Try searching for "facebook" at Yahoo News!;_ylt=A9j8eu8K5HhJAPkAGzuy87UF;_ylu=X3oDMTBhNjRqazhxBHNlYwNzZWFyY2g-?fr=sfp&ei=UTF-8&p=facebook said...

And I'm a bad influence because you are now surfing better than ever????? No respect. But that's okay I won't take it personally, everyone's got issues. said...

Sara I will see Tuesday on Facebook. Unless, I see you before. said...

Yikes, that is scary.

Anonymous said...

"everyone's got issues" hey thats my line.. who's influencing who now... yahhhh beeaaatch! lol ps. yah.. ok, you have helped my surfing... i admint. :) :) :)

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