Saturday, January 24, 2009

Our Bed has been Taken Over By a Very Small Band of Pirates

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All I have to say is we went to bed way too late last night.

The kids went to bed really early, practically on time, for once, I believe.

Stefan was working on lessons plans all night and I kept him company by watching the three or four episodes from the 5th season of the L word.

When we went to bed our bed was empty, which is a good thing because I'm definitely more of a participant than a spectator when it comes to sports.

But by 6 a.m. this morning, after less than five hours of sleep, our bed had been invaded by a very small band of rowdy pirates. I'm not sure what the sleeping bag on our bedroom floor is for, because it was empty, and the bed was full.

I know when we are empty nesters we are going to long for our crowded bed full of flying elbows and feet. But this morning, I was certain the rock the sea lions were sunning on, would be more peaceful and relaxing than our bed.


Anonymous said...

We're your sons! Don't call us pirates.

Anonymous said...

I'm tired...

Anonymous said...

L word? How do you even find such media!?!? said...

I found this media an obscure TV cable channel called Showtime. You've probably never heard of it. I'm so hardcore and underground. ;-)

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