Yesterday, I was walking on the beach and came upon a beach goer reading a travel magazine.
"10 Dream Budget Vacations!"
"How lucky am I?" I thought to myself. I live in paradise. It's January and 70 degrees on the beach. I feel like I'm on vacation.
Just this morning I was reading a blog about how life in Utah is freezing and depressing.
Freezing and depressing.
I'm glad some people are willling to live in freezing and depressing places because, otherwise, paradise would be very crowded.
As I was walking on the beach, I ran into a fellow surfer, "how's your arm?" he asks.
"Well, it's still attached to my body," I say grumpily.
"Huh?" he asks confused.
"It hasn't fallen off, yet, so that's good," I clarify.
"At least it's flat," he says. So it isn't like you could be surfing, anyways."
He had a point. If my shoulder were able to surf, and therefore me as well, I would probably be in tiff because it's flat on my day to surf, and the conditions are so perfect, and blah blah blah.
But instead, I was like a regular person. Enjoying a perfect day. Not wishing for perfect waves. In fact, the sight of a flat ocean was a relief knowing I wasn't missing anything.
Yeah, I was totally happy until I signed onto Facebook and one of my friend's status read something like, "I just caught 1000 waves on my longboard."
I figured maybe she hadn't updated her status, but then I checked the time, which read, "6 minutes ago."
Beautiful pictures of our little piece of paradise!
Thanks, I've temporarily traded my surfboard for a camera. It's been fun and very visual.
I can totally relate. After spraining my ankle, I couldn't play soccer for 3 months! Ahhhhhh!
Three months is a realllllllly looooooong time. That must have been hard.
Utah isn't boring and depressing. It's fun and inspiring. You know you wanted to come with me!
Okay it does like you are having loads of fun with Amy Poelher and all the movie stars. All those violet auras are very inspiring, but isn't it cold?
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