Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Rat Loves Cat

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Rat Loves Cat - The funniest movie is here. Find it

"Ha ha ha he he ho" I laugh.

Oh that is so cute!" I say.

"What are you watching?" asks Stefan from his own Internet Planet, known as Lesson Plan-it. Being a teacher he spends a lot of time there.

"Come and see," I say. Worlds collide.

I start the "Rat Loves Cat" video over for him.

"The rats are harassing the cat!" he says.

"No, they're friends," I say. "Aw, look they're cuddling. How sweet."

"Oh, now I get it!" I say referring to an email with a video link I had gotten earlier in the day on my Not An iPhone. myPhone can't play videos.

The email read, "Murmur and I are going rat shopping when I get better."

Murmur is a cat.

My friend wants to get his pet cat, a pet rat.

I wonder if I should tell my friend what happened to my pet rat? It wasn't a happy ending. And it involves my other pet, a cat.

Nothing gory. There wasn't any blood. It was more like the rat died of fright. Though, I don't really know because I wasn't actually home at the time. I came home and the rat was dead in his cage. We all assumed the cat scared him to death.

"Aww," that was a sad memory. Well, at least now I can do "Rat Loves Cat" Therapy. All I have to do is watch the video over and over until all the sad feelings in my body are gone.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

awww thats cuuuute. tho i think that cat has been stripped of all its natural instinct.

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