Thursday, January 8, 2009

Beach Time Lapse

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I'm three days into my fourth week of Nada Surf.

Dry dock.

The video "Helpless" by Keith Loutit, made from a series of 4000-6000 still photographs, makes me feel like am at the beach doing all the things I love. Read: watching this "Helpless" video makes me feel hopeful somehow that someday soon I will surf again.

Plus, visually "Helpless" is amazing and takes place on Bondi Beach, Australia (Sydney). Watching the video gives me the feeling of actually being at the beach. The short film captures the essence of beach life from the pure unadulterated fun of the surfers observing the hula hooper to the "Save the Whales" vision of the people creating the sand sculpture.

Greenpeace commissioned the life size whale sand sculpture created by activists and sand sculptors to the need to protect whales in Japan.
Greenpeace video of sand whale

Then there are those dedicated souls who bring their yoga practice and inner peace to the beach, amidst the frolicking waders, the paddling swimmers and the worshipping sunbathers creating a hub of pure joy and health.

"Phew," I exhale. Wow! Internet therapy really works. Maybe I never need to leave my house again?


Anonymous said...

That bulldozer needs to push some of that sand into the water and create a perfect sandbar for those waves. waaah, i want my surf buddy back. wahhhh!

Jessica said...

Wow! It really does make you feel like you're there. I would love to move to the beach. If I could just convince Keith. :) said...

I've been blessed to live near the beach my entire life. It's amazing. I highly recommend it.w

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