Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Skateboard Mama

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I used to think when I hit forty, I would quit skateboarding. That was until I turned forty, and decided that was definitely a terrible idea.

Lately, my Facebook status has been reflecting my "on again" love affair with skateboarding.

"Wendy is feeling good after sidewalk surfing therapy!" 5:54pm

"Wendy got totally tubed while sidewalk surfing." 4:52pm

Skateboarding is only second behind my passionate love affair with surfing. And she doesn't mind being second apparently. When the Ocean is flat or blown out or unavailable because of my body's limitations, skateboarding is always there for me.

Even when I'm not there for her.

I wish I could embed this video, because I know how hard it is to click on a link. Even I, sometimes, cannot bare to "click." But people, today, for once Click the link! Click the link! Pleeeeeeeeeeeeease! Because now I know I can't stop skateboarding til I'm at least 84.

What you are about to see is my new heroine, Skateboard Mama, and hopefully my new hobby. The only way my dream can come true is if 500 people Click the link, and no I'm not rick rolling anyone here either.

Someone just asked, "What is rick rolling, some sort of kinky sex act?"

All I can say is maybe, but you'll have to wait for that blog to find out. And I might write about Rick rolling tomorrow or next month. Or, Internet, in the words of my son, "You can look it up!" But if you do that my blog will be very boring so please don't do it, just Click the link Thanks!


Sara said...

I clicked it. I can see you doing that, and grinning like that, too! said...

Since you're such a visionary I know it's going to come true.

Veronica, Collin and Jed said...

I totally loved the video!!!! I can soooo see you doing that and so much more. Age is just a number, it matters on how young you feel on the inside!!! Miss seeing you every morning at the preschool!

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