Sunday, June 21, 2009

Yes, Honey, Today Is Father's Day

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The other night, Stefan and I were watching TV. Well, I was Tivo-ing through the Country Music Television Awards looking for Sugarland, while tweeting on Twitter.

Yes, my multitasking is off the charts in uselessness. But one of my favorite hobbies is making commentary. I have a feeling my Husband appreciates that he can choose to read my commentary, or not, instead of having to listen to it, incessantly.

"Blah, blah, blah, blah," says my Commentary.

Anyways, while we were watching the awards, Stefan noticed Father's Day trending on Twitter. Meaning a lot of people were tweeting about Father's Day on Twitter.

"Did we miss Father's Day?" asks Stefan.

Of course, this sent me into a fit of laughter. And today, the actual day of the Father, I'm letting him know it's his day to do whatever he wants because he is the Best Daddy Ever!!!!!!!

Even more importantly, I'm not the only person who thinks so.

"I want to go with Daddy," shouts Gio.

"No, I want to go with Daddy!" shouts Vinny.

"Now boys, there's enough of Daddy to go around, but please save some of him for me," I say. "So what do you want to do for Father's Day, honey?"

"Sleep," says the Best Daddy Ever.


Stefan said...

Thanks....zzzzzzzzzzzzz. said...

It's one present I don't have to go shopping for.

EndofTired said...

free gifts are always the best!

Sara said...

Happy Daddy's Day to Stephan!

Unknown said...

Good answer! Sleep is grand! said...

Free sleep? where? said...

sleep costs a grand? can I charge it?

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