Sunday, July 19, 2009

They're So Quiet When They're Sleeping

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See, cats aren't much different from humans. And cats are much quieter than human children. Except, at 2 o'clock in the morning.

"Why is everyone asleep, it's the middle of the night?" yowls Nay Nay the Cat. "Wake up everybody, wake up!"


Sara said...

I was up from about 1:30-2:30 AM last night with a fidgety toddler, and he's not even a cat!

EndofTired said...

I think they both sleep as soundly when they nap.

pikaki said...

nay nay first, chases nothing, then goes, reoow! reeoow! reeeooooowww! louder each time until you call her name... then she stops for an hour, and then does the whole routine all over again. said...

Sorry about that. The sound machine helps. Should have warned you.

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