Saturday, August 22, 2009

Charlie Bit Me, Again

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This video is funny and true. Please, notice how the older brother sticks his finger into Charlie's mouth, willingly. Then he gets upset when Charlie bites too hard.

I love watching the older brother's face go from pleasure to pain. And here, folks, is my life story with two children, . It's all good and fun until someone gets hurt, which isn't a matter of if, but when.

Note: No one in the video gets injured.


Sara said...

Yeah, pretty much my life right now! said...

At least Charlie's parents are making a buck off all the sibling squabbling

EndofTired said...

I love the end..."yeah...Charlie bit me and it hurt." So matter of fact. Just another day. said...

I know it's so not a big deal to them but we blow it out of proportion. If you can't beat em join, make a video and some money

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